Billings, Montana Teacher Salary 2023-2024
Billings, Montana, Teacher’s Starting Salary for the 2023 to 2024 school year is $41,803 for a beginning teacher with a bachelor’s degree and no experience. With a master’s degree, it is $49,255. With a Doctorate degree, it is $56,519.
Master’s Degree: Billings, Montana Teacher Salary 2023-2024
The Billings School District will pay you $7,452 annually in year one and $14,404 in year 25 Annually, which results in $297,541 over a 25 Year Career of Additional income. This makes it a Good choice to get your Master’s when planning to work in Billings as a teacher. This will depend on the years you plan to work after you get the salary increase. A regionally accredited university must have awarded the Degree. Check out the full Pay Schedule Below.
Doctorate Degree: Billings, Montana Teacher Salary 2023-2024
The Billings School District will pay you $13,292 annually in year one and $24,456 in year 25 Annually. This results in $505,763 over a 25 Year Career of Additional income. This makes it a Good choice to get your Doctorate when planning to work in Billings as a teacher: of course, This will depend on the years you plan to work after you get the salary increase. An employee with a master’s Degree and a Doctorate or equivalent degree shall receive the Doctorate differential only. A regionally accredited university must have awarded a degree. Check out the full Pay Schedule Below.
2023-2024 Billings, Montana Teacher Bachelors Salary Chart:
Years | Bachelors | Bachelors +15 | Bachelors +30 | Bachelors +45 |
1 | $41,803 | $43,227 | $44,678 | $46,055 |
2 | $42,993 | $44,560 | $46,037 | $47,483 |
3 | $44,186 | $45,846 | $47,396 | $48,911 |
4 | $45,385 | $47,130 | $48,749 | $50,342 |
5 | $46,575 | $48,411 | $50,105 | $51,771 |
6 | $47,770 | $49,693 | $51,462 | $53,200 |
7 | $48,963 | $50,975 | $52,817 | $54,628 |
8 | $50,153 | $52,260 | $54,180 | $56,059 |
9 | $51,356 | $53,541 | $55,535 | $57,487 |
10 | $52,795 | $55,070 | $56,889 | $58,917 |
11 | $53,143 | $55,442 | $58,512 | $60,346 |
12 | $53,495 | $55,808 | $59,093 | $62,078 |
13 | $53,849 | $56,173 | $59,677 | $63,318 |
14 | $54,925 | $57,296 | $57,296 | $64,580 |
15 | $57,838 | $60,338 | $60,871 | $68,007 |
16 | $57,838 | $60,338 | $60,871 | $68,007 |
17 | $57,838 | $60,338 | $60,871 | $68,007 |
18 | $57,838 | $60,338 | $60,871 | $68,007 |
19 | $57,838 | $60,338 | $60,871 | $68,007 |
20 | $57,838 | $60,338 | $60,871 | $68,007 |
21 | $57,838 | $60,338 | $60,871 | $68,007 |
22 | $57,838 | $60,338 | $60,871 | $68,007 |
23 | $57,838 | $60,338 | $60,871 | $68,007 |
24 | $57,838 | $60,338 | $60,871 | $68,007 |
25 | $57,838 | $60,338 | $60,871 | $68,007 |
2023-2024 Billings Montana Teacher Masters & Doctorate Salary Chart:
Years | Masters | Masters +15 | Masters +30 | Doctorate |
1 | $49,255 | $50,960 | $52,757 | $56,519 |
2 | $50,756 | $52,533 | $54,424 | $58,259 |
3 | $52,256 | $54,109 | $56,087 | $59,992 |
4 | $53,758 | $55,682 | $57,747 | $61,731 |
5 | $55,258 | $57,260 | $59,415 | $63,469 |
6 | $56,761 | $58,835 | $61,077 | $65,199 |
7 | $58,263 | $60,407 | $62,743 | $66,937 |
8 | $59,761 | $61,982 | $64,406 | $68,673 |
9 | $61,264 | $63,557 | $66,075 | $70,408 |
10 | $62,764 | $65,134 | $67,734 | $72,144 |
11 | $64,266 | $66,709 | $69,398 | $73,878 |
12 | $66,080 | $68,602 | $71,065 | $75,616 |
13 | $67,366 | $69,943 | $74,482 | $78,647 |
14 | $68,682 | $71,310 | $75,937 | $80,705 |
15 | $72,242 | $75,007 | $79,880 | $84,794 |
16 | $72,242 | $75,007 | $79,880 | $84,794 |
17 | $72,242 | $75,007 | $79,880 | $84,794 |
18 | $72,242 | $75,007 | $79,880 | $84,794 |
19 | $72,242 | $75,007 | $79,880 | $84,794 |
20 | $72,242 | $75,007 | $79,880 | $84,794 |
21 | $72,242 | $75,007 | $79,880 | $84,794 |
22 | $72,242 | $75,007 | $79,880 | $84,794 |
23 | $72,242 | $75,007 | $79,880 | $84,794 |
24 | $72,242 | $75,007 | $79,880 | $84,794 |
25 | $72,242 | $75,007 | $79,880 | $84,794 |
Source: Billings School District Website
Billings, Montana, teachers are low-paid teachers compared to the rest of the Country. Getting your master’s is a Good Career Step because you can make an additional $297,541 over a 25 Year of Career. Getting your Doctorate can make you $505,763 over a 25 Year Career than with a Bachelor’s. Get Further Degrees if you want to make extra as a teacher.
Disclaimer: All Salary information are estimates made with the best information available; always refer to the Government Website for Official Salary Information.