Irregular verbs in Spanish
Irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow the regular pattern of conjugation in Spanish. There are many irregular verbs in Spanish, but they make up a relatively small percentage of all verbs.
Learning irregular verbs can be challenging, but it is important to persevere. With practice, you will be able to conjugate irregular verbs with ease.
Spanish is an incredibly complex language due to its intricate sentence structure and a large number of irregular verbs. Each irregular verb requires its own set of conjugations. This can make it challenging for even the most experienced Spanish speaker to remember them all. Fortunately, several helpful strategies can help make learning and memorizing these verbs easier.
Here are some tips for learning irregular verbs in Spanish:
- Memorize the conjugations of common irregular verbs. This will give you a foundation to build on as you learn other irregular verbs.
- Group irregular verbs together according to their patterns. This will make it easier to remember the conjugations of each verb.
- Use mnemonic devices to help you remember irregular verbs. This could be anything from creating a song or a poem about the verb to drawing a picture of it.
- Practice regularly. The more you practice, the easier it will be to remember the conjugations of irregular verbs.
- Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes when they’re learning a new language. The important thing is to keep practicing and learning from your mistakes.
With time and practice, you will be able to master irregular verbs in Spanish.
We have over 25 regular verbs with all there Conjugations listed below
Click on the verb to go to the Page for that Verb.
Abrazar means to hug or to embrace. It can also mean to hold tight.
Abrir means to open
Acercar means to bring near, to move something nearer.
Acordar in Spanish means to decide, to resolve, to agree on
Acordarse in Spanish means to remember, to remind oneself.
Acostar in Spanish means to put to bed, to lay down
Acostarse in Spanish means to go to bed, to lie down
Actuar in Spanish means to act, perform, actuate, operate
Advertir in Spanish means to warn, to advice
Afligir in Spanish means to afflict, to grieve, to pain, to distress
Agradecer in Spanish means to be thankful for
Ahorcar in Spanish means to hang or to choke
Alcanzar in Spanish means to to reach, to catch
Alentar in Spanish means to encourage
Almorzar in Spanish means to lunch, to eat lunch, to have lunch
Amanecer in Spanish means to dawn, to wake up
Andar in Spanish means to walk, to go
Apagar in Spanish means to put out, to turn off.
Aparecer in Spanish means to appear, to show up
Aplicar in Spanish means to apply
Apostar in Spanish means to bet, to wager
Apretar in Spanish means to press, to squeeze, to clench
Aprobar in Spanish means to to pass,
Atender in Spanish means to attend to, to pay attention to
Atravesar in Spanish means to cross or to go through
Avanzar in Spanish means to advance, to move along
Bautizar in Spanish means to baptize, to christen
Buscar in Spanish means to search, to search for, to look for
Calentar in Spanish means to heat up, warm up