Travel Blog

Explore. Educate. Experience.   Hello, wanderers and fellow knowledge seekers! I’m Catalina, a teacher with an unyielding passion for travel.  I’ve trekked across continents, dived into the rich tapestry of various cultures, and collected a trove of adventures.  Journeying Through Destinations: Table of Contents for a Globe-Trotter’s Diary Florida   Colombia  Ecuador Traveling with Your Furry Friend  …

Teaching Blog: Insights and Guides by Teacher Catalina

Welcome to my teaching blog, where I blend my experiences, knowledge, and passion to share insights about learning, teaching, and the multifaceted beauty of languages, particularly Spanish. Navigate through these curated articles and guides: 1. Why Spanish is so Important in These Careers    – Delve into the increasing value of Spanish across diverse professional fields….

23 Basic Spanish Grammar Concepts for Beginners

Learn Spanish Grammar with Teacher Catalina Are you looking for a comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide to Spanish grammar? Look no further than Teacher Catalina’s Spanish Grammar for Beginners! This Guide covers all the essential Spanish grammar concepts, from basic noun declension to advanced verb conjugation Spanish one grammar consists of 23 basic grammar concepts to…

Spanish with the Dog

Introduce Yourself in Spanish with the Dog Café Learn how to introduce yourself in Spanish, with Café, our puppy. This is a Spanish Comprehensible Input video. Describe yourself in Spanish with the Dog Café Learn how to describe yourself in Spanish, with Café, our puppy. This is a Spanish Comprehensible Input video. (How to describe…

Spanish for Kids

Together with Profe Nano, Teacher Catalina makes lessons for kids and anyone else. They are just made a little more fun and easier to understand. Spanish Video Lesson for kids is an innovative new way to teach Spanish to children. It is designed to be engaging, enjoyable, and educational at the same time. Children can…