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Virginia Teacher Salary 2023-2024

Virginia Teacher’s Starting Salary for the 2023 to 2024 school year is between $51,995 and $55,889 for a beginning teacher with a bachelor’s degree and no experience.  

Teachers in Virginia earn an average salary of $65,965 a year, But a realistic number that a teacher makes depends on many factors; years of service within the school district is the most significant factor. And a close second is the degree level; after that, it depends on where you work in Virginia.

Do you teach for 10 or 12 months? Do you give training or Coach? All these factors determine the salary of a Virginia State teacher. Below you will find a list of School Districts in Virginia; click on the one you want to know the realistic teacher salary.

Loudoun County has the highest starting Salary in Virginia State at $55,889. This is 7% more than Chesterfield’s $51,995, with the lowest starting salary on our list. However, Prince William County has the most significant pay bump for a master’s degree in the first year at $6,000,

while Henrico has the lowest raise for a master’s in the first year at $2,612. With a Doctorate, your best option is Loudoun County Because it has the highest starting salary for a Ph.D. at $67,823. Virginia Beach City has the lowest Starting salary for a Ph.D. at $56,445.

5 Steps To Become a Spanish Teacher in Virginia

2023-2024 Virginia Teacher Salary Chart:

Loudoun County$55,889$61,688$67,823
Prince Wiliam County$54,761$60,761$64,261
Virginia Beach City$51,965$55,015$56,455
2023-2024 Virginia Teacher Salary Chart:

What’s more, the job market for teachers is substantial.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that jobs as school teachers will grow by 20% through 2026. Please consider that many colleges and universities offer tuition reimbursement programs to attract prospective college graduates who majored in education. Check with your local school district to learn more about their teacher salary policies and what kinds of scholarships are available to prospective students who plan on becoming a teacher one day.

How Much Does a Teacher Make in Your District? Please see the Salary Schedule by District below; if you can’t find yours, we are probably working on it and will post it soon.

Disclaimer: All Salary information are estimates made with the best information available; always refer to the Government Website for Official Salary Information. Most districts will follow the Latest Salary schedule until a new one is approved; this makes the current one the one to follow until a new one is approved.